Who we are

In Deo Speramus, Pro Deo Ludimus
We exist to glorify God by fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew. 28:18-20) through the platform of sport.
Our vision is to see movements of multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ on every team so that every athlete and coach is impacted by the gospel. (Colossians 1:28-29).
Athletes in Action (AIA) is an interdenominational Christian fellowship for any/all college athletes. AIA exists on college campuses throughout the country as well as in many nations around the world. AIA at Brown has a desire to serve the Brown athletic community, providing a support network for students and coaches to find help and encouragement.
We strive to transform student-athletes into people who will become Total Athletes, people who maximize the unique potential for which God has made them, and people who pursue to honor God in and through sport, academics, service, leadership and their future careers.
One of our goals is to help student athletes use the platform of athletics to promote positive change in their personal lives and in society through a relationship with God. We offer specific opportunities for student-athletes to learn how faith in Jesus Christ can impact their lives in the midst of the unique challenges and demands of sports and college life.
Members of AIA at Brown range anywhere from the serious varsity athlete to the casual or club athlete. Anyone interested in learning more about God, how it is possible to have a personal relationship with him and/or how to become a "Total Athlete" is welcomed to join us. AIA also organizes numerous activities, including Bible studies, social events and community service opportunities.
Athletes In Action at Brown is a Brown University Student Group and affiliated with the Office of the Chaplains and Religious Life.
Here’s a video we made circa 2013.
And we’re still the same today.
This is Athletes In Action.
We play for an Audience of One.
We compete with a grace motivation
And pursue a victory beyond competition.
We will get dirty
And we will face tragedy
And, yes, most likely injury.
But that does not change our identity
As players on God's winning team
Or better yet, as beloved children in God's family.
For in light of His mercy
We truly are free
To become what we were meant to be:
Total Athletes
Spirit, mind, and body
We bow our knee to the One, True King,
J-C, Jesus Christ.
Who is he? The Ultimate MVP,
The Servant, the Son, the Perfect Champion
Who declares it is all done.
And yet, it has just begun.
And yes, all are welcome.
This is Athletes In Action.