Partner with us
We need people to share their L.I.F.E. with us and our ministry if we're to continue to see God move in the hearts and lives of young people. And by L.I.F.E., we mean that we need people to give their labor (volunteering your time), influence (networking, mentoring), finances (money, resources), and expertise (skills, talents, career experience).
If you'd like to give financially, you can do so be giving to our operations campus ministry account (which covers ministry expenses such as materials, resources, travel costs, food for outreach events and Life Groups), as well as scholarships for students to attend the various spiritual growth opportunities we have each year (such as Fall Conference, Leadership Weekend, Winter Conference, Spring Break, and Summer Opportunities like the Ultimate Training Camp or missions trip around the world).
If you're interested in giving your labor, influence, and/or expertise, then please email us so we can get you more information.