Don Leypoldt: An introduction...

Being a slow, short, uncoordinated kid in a huge high school outside of Philadelphia, Don Leypoldt realized quickly that his athletic talents were better suited for the marching band, where he played trumpet. Nonetheless, he always had a passion for sports and a passion for writing.  He did his Master’s thesis on revenue and competitive imbalance in Major League Baseball, which stoked the fires for other sports media positions.  In 2005, Don started working for a team in the New England Collegiate Baseball League; he currently serves as the League’s Media Director and baseball remains his number one passion but his most recent article was interviewing a Tennessee Titan starter.  For three years prior, Don worked for a newspaper in suburban Philadelphia covering a variety of high school and college sports.  He has interviewed nearly 70 MLB and NFL alumni.
Spiritually, Don is starting to realize the depths of the commandment: Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me.  Don recognizes that athletics and competition are a good thing and can be used as a unique avenue to build God’s kingdom.  Facets of them can also be idolatrous and produce results not pleasing to God.  AIA is in a special position to reach the de facto campus leaders and role models- athletes- and equip them to be better disciples.  Don believes that, while never a college athlete himself, he has the gift of empathy for the challenges that they go through on a daily basis.  He looks forward to working with AIA staff and leadership to assist college students in their spiritual walk in whichever form that may take.
If you'd like to get in touch with Don, please contact us or him directly.

AIA Talks - Fall 2012


AIA Principle 2: Inside Game -- On the Field