Sword of the Spirit

To help you prepare, listen to Trip Lee's track, Manolo, a few times and see if you can figure out what he's really rapping about.

What is the Bible?

·       OT (39) + NT (27), ordered by theme, chronology, and authorship

·       Divinely inspired: God is the author, the people were the pen

·       Illustrations: covenant between God and people, love letter from God to us, GPS, owner’s manual, first aid kit, God’s yearbook

·       Biblical Metaphors: inspired writings (2 Tim 3:16-17), truth (John 17), soul mirror (James 1), food/milk/honey (Deut. 8:1-3, Matt. 4:4, Hebrews 5:11-14, Psalm 19), living/active (Hebrews 4:12), sword of the spirit (Eph. 6), Light/illumination, wisdom (Psalm 119:105), seed sown in soil (Mark 4)

·       Key Analogies for proper perspective and approach:

o   encyclopedia < library

o   self-help < stories

o   playbook < game film

Can we trust the Bible?

·       Eye-witness accounts, archaeology, abundance of manuscripts

·       Complex, deep, profound, simple, convicting

How to study the Bible

·       Know the reference system, don’t forget about Table of Contents

·       Pray—God’s Holy Spirit brings clarity and conviction

·       Context (historical, literary; use commentaries, use the Bible)

·       Observation (like a reporter, just the facts), pray

·       Interpretation (author, intended audience), pray

·       Application, pray—God’s Holy Spirit guides and directs

Where to start

·       Rookie: start w/the Gospel of John and read/mediate on 1 chapter/day for 3 weeks

·       Veteran: Read Ephesians once per day for 2 weeks.

·       Captain: Memorize Philippians 3 in 1 month

What to remember

·       It’s worth your time (great minds, foundation of western civilization, ethics, and morality)

·       It’s all about Jesus, and how our story fits in w/His story. Luke 24:25-27

·       Soak this up: 1st Corinthians 1:17-31


Personal Enrichment Opportunity – Look up the Scripture references in this handout. Read the backside of this handout, explore the listed websites, get a recommended book, and discuss with other people.


Body by God


Communicating Christ